Čiekurs Wrist Warmers DIY Knitting Pattern
A čiekurs is a pine cone. Picked green they can be brewed into natural cough and cold syrup. Most grandmas have a recipe. Latvia is parBally sand dunes covered by pine forests. Sap from the trees got washed into the BalBc Sea eons ago and became amber. Some bits of amber sBll have insects imbedded in them. Prehistoric insects. Latvians oEen sing about the sea fondly calling it the amber sea, and it does have an amber green color from the tannic acid rich waters of the moors that flow into it. The pine trees on the dunes are tall and straight, perfect as masts for ships. On the forest floor are mushrooms and berries. Blueberries and lingonberries mostly. So beach days may mean that instead of a tan you come home with a basket of goodies from Mother Nature’s grocery because who can resist a chanterelle?
The wrist warmers can have 2, 4, or 6 rounds of entrelac. 2 rounds are a decoraBve border. 4 rounds will cover your hands to the thumb. 6 rounds are to your fingerBps for a woodland fairie queen feel. There is no thumbhole. Depending on the shape of your arm you can add or not add increases for width. One skein of Uneek worsted will make a pair long enough to cover your elbows for drama and warmth, or you can stop at the wrist covering length. The perfect accessory for all those 3/4 sleeve tops.
The pattern is designed specifically for Urth Yarns, Monokrom Worsted or Uneek hand dyed striped Worsted wools. THE LINKS WILL EXPIRE IN 6 MONTHS, so please download your files promptly.
Ravelry Designer: Inese Iris Liepina